About Us - Company Overview - Our Core ValuesThe corporate “core” values of Vista Gold are concisely represented as the three P's, which are, People - Planet - Prosperity. We believe in these principles, they guide us as a Corporation and they are our commitment to our shareholders, employees, stakeholders and you, as to how we will conduct our business in your community.
People In our value system, People come first. The human resource is the most important resource that we manage. The safety and physical well-being of our employees is our first priority. Furthermore, we believe in the value of the individual and their potential for growth. We are dedicated to helping our employees improve their skills through training and development programs. We will partner with local entities to implement programs to help prepare interested members of the community develop job skills required to qualify for employment at our projects. We value our relationship with the local indigenous people. We respect their culture and will continue to work with them to ensure that our activities are undertaken with due respect and concern for their rights and traditional values. As valued members of the local community, we will seek their involvement and participation in the project. Finally, we value honesty, integrity, creativity, hard work and a desire to learn and seek these characteristics in those who will become part of our team. Planet Each of us depends on the earth for the many things that sustain our lives and make our lives more comfortable and fulfilled. The responsible development of natural resources for the benefit of society is our responsibility. We will work to achieve development that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We accept our responsibility for stewardship and care of the environment. We strive to use the best available technology in the design and operation of our projects. We are committed to transparency in monitoring and reporting environmental compliance. In the absence of local standards, we implement best practice international standards. We believe that the mining industry produces the materials needed for our civilization and in doing so improves the quality of life for all stakeholders. Rehabilitation to restore the land to other productive uses is a responsibility that is implicit in the authorization to undertake any mine development activity. We are committed to the rehabilitation of our projects and where possible to do this concurrently with ongoing operations. Prosperity All of us expect to be fairly compensated for the time, effort and resources that we bring to any endeavor. Vista Gold is no different. We will not develop a project unless there is a realistic expectation of a profit. Similarly we are committed to paying our employees a fair wage for their efforts and paying our contractors and service providers promptly for goods and services delivered. Where possible we will use local people, supplies and services. It is our experience that increased personal prosperity translates into improved prosperity for the community, which leads to an improved standard of living, better quality of life, better health and better education. We believe these principles are universal and not restricted to one project, culture or geopolitical domain. Please join with us in implementing these values. ![]()